The course was created within the framework of a grant for "Creation of online courses on health and medical sciences" (LOT number 3: Code: 2020-11-MP-0001/3; project "Providing by 2024 at least 20 percent of students in educational programs of higher education the opportunities to master individual courses, disciplines (modules), including in the format of online courses, using the resources of other organizations engaged in educational activities, including universities, ensuring that the quality of training of students is consistent with the world level").


You start studying the course "Molecular basis of immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis". To successfully complete the course, you should study the materials on all topics, complete practical tasks after the modules, and pass intermediate tests. The maximum number of points per course is 100. For intermediate tests, a maximum of 70 points is obtained. The final test is 30 points. You have 60 minutes and 2 attempts to complete the task.

Course summary

The course "Molecular foundations of immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis" is designed to develop the competence of students and interns of medical Universities to effectively and reasonably use immuno-oriented approaches in the treatment and prevention of human diseases based on the understanding of modern molecular foundations of immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis, taking into account the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Course format

The course consists of:

– video lectures that present the content of the topic;

– lecture notes in text format;

Each topic is completed with test. The final test of knowledge (credit) is carried out in the form of a test.


To study this course, you should complete a basic course in biochemistry, histology, general immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, therapy, and oncology.

Course contents

Module 1. Molecular foundations of General and Сlinical Immunology.

1.1 Molecular foundations of Innate and Adaptive immunity.

1.2. Molecular principles of autoimmune, auto-inflammatory, allergic diseases and immunodeficiency.

Module 2. Immunotherapy, basic principles of the ligand-receptor mechanism of action.

2.1. Cytokine and anti-cytokine therapy. Monoclonal antibody.

2.2. Molecular basis of immunotherapy in Allergology.

2.3. Groups of Immunomodulators with a critical analysis of the molecular basis of their mechanism of action. Normal human immunoglobulin.

Module 3. Immuno-Oncology.

3.1. Immunological aspects of the tumor process.

3.2. Ligand-receptor mechanisms of immunotherapy in Oncology.

Module 4. Molecular basis of vaccine-prevention.

4.1. General concept of vaccines. Analysis with comparative characteristics of the vaccine composition (Part 1).

4.2. General concept of vaccines. Analysis with comparative characteristics of the vaccine composition (Part 2).


31.05.01 General medicine:

GC - 5 readiness for self-development, self-realization, self-education, use of creative potential;

GPC - 8 readiness for medical use of drugs and other substances, and their combinations when solving professional problems;

GPC - 9 the ability to assess morphofunctional, physiological conditions and pathological processes in the human body for solving professional problems;

PC - 8 readiness to determine the tactics of managing patients with various nosologies.

31.05.02 Pediatrics:

GC - 5 readiness for self-development, self-realization, self-education, use of creative potential;

GPC - 8 readiness for medical use of drugs and other substances, and their combinations when solving professional problems;

GPC - 9 the ability to assess morphofunctional, physiological conditions and pathological processes in the human body for solving professional problems;

PC - 8 readiness to determine the tactics of managing patients with various nosologies.

31.08.26 Allergology, immunology (residency):

PC - 1 readiness to carry out a set of measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening health and including the formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of the onset and (or) spread of diseases, their early diagnosis, identification of the causes and conditions of their occurrence and development, as well as aimed at eliminating harmful effects on human health factors of his habitat;

PC - 6 readiness to manage and treat patients with allergic and (or) immunological diseases.

31.08.57 Oncology (residency):

PC - 1 readiness to carry out a set of measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening health and including the formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of the onset and (or) spread of diseases, their early diagnosis, identification of the causes and conditions of their occurrence and development, as well as aimed at eliminating harmful effects on human health factors of his habitat;

PC - 6 readiness to manage and treat patients in need of oncological medical care.

31.08.35 Infectious diseases (residency):

PC - 1 readiness to carry out a set of measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening health and including the formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of the onset and (or) spread of diseases, their early diagnosis, identification of the causes and conditions of their occurrence and development, as well as aimed at eliminating harmful effects on human health factors of his habitat;

PC - 6 readiness to manage and treat patients with infectious diseases

31.08.37 Clinical pharmacology:

PC - 1 readiness to carry out a set of measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening health and including the formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of the onset and (or) spread of diseases, their early diagnosis, identification of the causes and conditions of their occurrence and development, as well as aimed at eliminating harmful effects on human health factors of his habitat;

PC - 6 readiness to ensure a rational choice of complex drug therapy for patients in need of medical care.


31.05.01 General medicine

31.05.02 Pediatrics

31.08.26 Allergology, immunology (residency)

31.08.57 Oncology (residency)

31.08.35 Infectious diseases (residency)

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Course length: 6 Course start date: 01.09.2023 Education hours: 36 Нет сертификата

Self enrolment (Student)
Студент (СЦОС)

Course teachers

Larisa A. Balykova

corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 
Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Professor, Director of Institute of Medicine of National Research Mordovia State University

Olga A. Radaeva

Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Professor,
Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Virology

Irina S. Stepanenko

Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Associate Professor,
Department  of Immunology, Microbiology and Virology

Yulia A. Kostina

Ph. D. (Medicine), Associate Professor,
Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Virology

Anna V. Lapshtaeva

Ph. D. (Medicine), Associate Professor,
Department of Immunology, Microbiology and Virology

Elena V. Ferapontova

Ph. D. (Medicine), doctor allergist-immunologist of «Vita-med»

Tatiana Klukina

Pedagogical script and directing of the online course, 
Ph. D. (Culturology), director of the Center of the Development of Distance Education, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University

Anna Klimova

Video lectures editing

Andrey Korshunov

Video lectures editing

Ekaterina Eremkina

Video lectures editing