You start studying the course "Rheumatology". To successfully complete the course, you must study the proposed materials on all topics, pass intermediate tests. The maximum number of points for the course is 100. For intermediate tests and the completion of a practical task, a maximum of 70 points is awarded. The final test is worth 30 points. You have 60 minutes to complete and 1 attempt.
Course summary
The training course "Rheumatology" is designed on the basis of an understanding of modern principles of evidence-based medicine to form students of medical universities with competencies that allow them to effectively and reasonably diagnose and treat patients with rheumatic diseases.
Course format
The course contains:
– video lectures that reveal the content of the topic under study;
– abstracts of lecture material in text format.
Each topic is completed by tasks in a test format and a practical task in the form of a situational task. The final test (credit) of knowledge is carried out in the form of a test.
To study this course, it is necessary to take courses in physiology, pathological physiology, immunology, propaedeutics of internal diseases, faculty therapy and pharmacology.
Course contents
Section 1. Diseases of the joints and spine.
Topic 1.1 Osteoarthritis.
Topic 1.2. Ankylosing spondylitis.
Topic 1.3. Psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis.
Topic 1.4 Gout.
Topic 1.5 Osteoporosis.
Section 2. Diffuse connective tissue diseases.
Topic 2.1. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
Topic 2.2 Systemic scleroderma.
Topic 2.3 Dermatomyositis.
Section 3. Systemic vasculitis.
Topic 3.1. Systemic vasculitis.
Course results
Know the method of collecting complaints, anamnesis of the patient's life and illness.
Methods of laboratory and instrumental studies for assessing the state of health, medical indications for conducting research, rules for interpreting their results.
Referral of the patient for laboratory and instrumental examination in the presence of medical indications in accordance with the current procedures for providing medical care, clinical recommendations.
Modern methods of using medicines, medical devices and therapeutic nutrition for diseases and conditions in the patient in accordance with the current procedures for providing medical care, clinical recommendations.
Be able to interpret the results of collecting information about the patient's disease.
Interpret the data obtained during the laboratory examination of the patient.
Interpret the data obtained during the instrumental examination of the patient.
To own the technique of complete physical examination of the patient (inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation).
Determine the order of the volume, content and sequence of diagnostic measures.
Interpret the data obtained during the consultations of the patient by specialist doctors.
Evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of the use of medicines, medical devices, medical nutrition and other treatment methods.
31.05.01. General Medicine.
PC-2 - Able to examine a patient in order to establish a diagnosis
PC-3 - Able to draw up a treatment plan, prescribe medication and non-medication and evaluate its effectiveness and safety
31.05.01 General medicine
Course teachers
Anna Usanova
Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Professor, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
Olga Radaykina
Ph. D. (Medicine), Associate Professor, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
Natalya Sergutova
Ph. D. (Medicine), Associate Professor, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
Fady Kuzma
Senior Lecturer, National Research Ogarev
Mordovia State University
Tatiana Klukina
Pedagogical script and directing of the online course,
Ph. D. (Culturology), director of the Center of the Development of Distance Education, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
Anna Klimova
Video lectures editing
Irina Tsypkaykina
Video lectures editing